Saturday, July 21, 2012

Moving Forward

One of my favorite songs of all time is "Moving Forward" by Israel Houghton and Ricardo Sanchez. The song simply says that I'm not going back but I'm moving ahead. The past is over.

That's like a life declaration. We can look in the past and wonder "why", or we can look to the future and say "it shall be".

It's interesting that when God puts a vision in your heart, it never dies. A goal might die, and hope might die, but a vision from God never dies.

God put a vision in my heart that my songs will be ministered all over the world by me and by other artists. That dream is burning even stronger in me now.

I must move forward. I have no choice. I will see the vision come to pass, if it takes the rest of my life.

I'm not going back, I'm moving ahead. I'm here to declare to you, my past is over. In you, all things are made new. Surrendered my life to Christ. I'm moving, moving, forward.

Keep me in your prayers!

Release date is set for November 23rd!


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