Thursday, June 17, 2010

Lessons from NBA Champions

Tonight, the LA Lakers won the 2010 NBA Championship. I first want to congratulate the Lakers and the Celtics who both fought to the end. It was truly a championship series. Tracy was going for the Celtics and I was rooting for the Lakers. We were a house divided today.

I've been thinking of NBA Champions and other individuals who are at the top of their game. There is one thing that they all have in common. They work harder than most others in their field.

I'm starting to realize that success often comes to those that will work harder and do what others are unwilling to do. That's actually a good realization because I can choose to work hard in the music business. It's not the easiest thing for me because I'm an artist and I like to work when I'm "inspired".

Having a full-time job, a wife and three children doesn't leave me much time to work on my music. However, if I'm going to be a champion in the Christian music arena, I must make the time to do what I gotta do, write and record.

However, tonight, I'm going to reflect on the awesome victory the LA Lakers achieved. And hopefully sleep in my own bed.

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